Calculator results are a guide only and based on information you input. They shouldn’t be considered approval for a loan. To find out exact amounts, speak to the team at Specialist Mortgage.
Fees and charges apply. Repayment amounts and total interest calculations don’t include fees and charges that may be charged to your loan – for example, Lenders’ Mortgage Insurance, the annual package fee for some Home Loan Packages, monthly service fees or stamp duty. Any additional fees or charges will add to the cost of the loan and your repayments.
Terms and conditions apply to all loan options. Interest rates used are current reference rates and subject to change. Default figures and assumptions are also subject to change. Applications for a home loan are subject to credit approval, satisfactory security and minimum deposit requirements. Full terms and conditions will be set out in our loan offer, if an offer is made.
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Calculate your projected savings over a period of 1 month to 5 years with our calculator.
Take into account additional fees like stamp duty, building inspections and more.
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